The act of shotgunning a busch or natty light during a hurricane while screaming 'Merica!!!!
Shit the storm is coming time for my Floridian Baptism!!! Grab me a beer!!!
by Gnane September 30, 2022
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When a woman inadvertently gives birth directly into a seldom-emptied, diarrhea-splattered porta potty.
Joaquin is messed up in the head. Probably has to do with the fact that he received a Traditional Mexican Baptism when he was born.
by MinMax123 July 12, 2022
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The act of catching a hornet/yellow jacket/wasp nest on fire to exterminate them.
I found a hornets nest on the trailer, so I ran inside and grabbed my Oxygen Torch.
They weren't expecting that Baptism by Fire!
by Derram_Desangue August 13, 2019
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A term for a person who believes in christianity but also despises people of color and trans/homosexual people. The type of people who create monstrosity’s called their kids that you somehow end up with as a class mate and always smells like dry cabbage.
Person 1: Im southern Baptist
Person 2: I don’t care.
Another scenario

Person 1: Homosexuals are an abomination

Person 2: no wonder why you have more Hickeys than the amount of Condoms your parents tried using.
by EdelieMoloney69420 October 26, 2022
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After fucking a chick on the rag, you coat your thumb in the blood on your dick, tap it to her forehead as she goes down to clean up the mess. Also called an AISLE 5 BAPTISM
I met this chick lastnight and she started her period while we were fucking. I gave her a Hindu Baptism to bless her before she "cleaned me up".
by GAOpticsGuru June 6, 2023
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When you go to take a dump and you fall through the seat, and your butt cheeks hit the toilet water.
After Deshawn lost some weight, he done had himself a booty baptism.
by trippdophine August 10, 2023
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