The driver in front of you, during rush-hour no doubt, who creeps at 10 mph trying to get the best postion to exit the off ramp. Typically this driver ends up running out of options and stops, in your lane, until someone let's him in.
OMG this blinker creeper is such an ass. 3 people have given him a chance to merge onto the off ramp but he keeps going----at 10 mile an hour. Just Go!
by Blame Ceiling Hue June 29, 2010
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Noun: When someone leaves a fat load underneath your pillow.
Sam: “Martín, did you find my present for you?”
Martín: “Da blinkers?!”
Sam: “Yeah man I busted one to your Mom!”
by Room107DaBois April 18, 2021
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That person that is just too good to use a blinker, the person behind begins to quench, stereotype that individual. Subsequently losing that beautiful tranquil thought instantly.
I had Irritable blinker syndrome today as everyone must be out of blinker fluid. It made me real mad and I feel it has an impact on my erectile dysfunction. I think it's called IBS? I hear it on the commercials, it must be true..
by Petesbeeps July 15, 2017
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The act of trying to find two or more cars with the same blinker speeds at a stop light.
That Ford and that Chevy over there have their blinkers going at the same speed. I caught it on my blinker scan!
by Whipnwhap! December 12, 2009
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Taking a stupidly fat long blinker on your pen and getting higher than angel dust
Dude my homie ripped a holy blinker.. now he can't see anymore
by pandas99872 September 12, 2023
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