word created by a group of basic east cobb girls called the 7 sisters to represent oh no or yikes.
“i failed that test so bad”-him

by lil lesid December 25, 2018
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When you're so high or you're either drunk as hell

Drunk zoinked: you stumble and speak incoherent nonsense alot then eventually fall a sleep and have the WORST hangover.
High zoinked: you're calm and probably daydreaming alot staring into space and you also might talk slower and drag out words.
I'm zoinked out of my mind

You he's zoinked out of his mind
by Leohtsu July 20, 2022
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When your brain decides to shut down after a while
After a night out with the boys I was totally zoinked
by committee to plan parties January 26, 2019
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When you're so fucked up that you just pass right out, having no knowledge or recollection of the context. Although this use is uncommon, it may also be used to describe being so tired that you fall asleep out of nowhere.
"Dude I smoked wayyy too much last night I was fucking zoinked"

"Did you see Erick last night? He chugged a handle of Absolut and zoinked in the corner"
by sixthgrade4ever January 15, 2018
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Getting so high that you surpass zooted and go into trying to solve the universe.
Chad: Dude why do feet smell and noses run?
Ben: You are so zoinked right now
by DirtyHippie3010 September 22, 2018
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