someone that can spread their legs faster than automatic doors
by chzza July 18, 2018
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To act as a third wheel, and make usually pleasant situations awkward.
while in the midst of a very steamy conversation, A Zara will come and put her head between the two of you and say something like 'Hey you Guys!' while being oblivious that she has just made the situation awkward.
by Zebra knob September 24, 2011
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zara is my one person who is always there for me when i need it , my shoulder to cry on , my harry to my ron , my louis to my harry , my dream to my george , my karl to my sapnap . my everything . she’s their when i need her at anytime , she’s always has a helping hand . she’s a kind , funny girl who can get u laughing at anytime. i’m so thankful for someone like zara in my life . she will forever be my best friend and more , i love you to then moon and back -from 🌝
by coolcat17 August 31, 2021
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A person who prays on children at 3:30 every weekday while year 5's are playing on the playground, during the weekend he stalks his pray while they're alone at MacDonalds. usually found playing roblox with his boyfriend when not looking at kids
Have you heard Zaras crossed the 250 foot limit between him and the school
by ked_leader October 6, 2020
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a girl who dresses kind of gothicy and has hair on her face at all times,she also sometimes wears fake glasses for style and had a thing with a boy just before winter break.
by mysteryman454 June 22, 2018
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They are tech extremists coming to doom the Mongolians. They travel in Mach 2.6 kilometers. Their main motivation is to corrupt the Rare Fish market and steal all the uncles.
Person 1: Dude I just met this Zara Employee
by Beaksss November 4, 2022
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A pop singer who originally was born and raised in Sweden, striking songwriter and recorder, Zara is getting bigger and bigger in the U.S.
Zara Larsson is amazing !!
by estanek42 March 26, 2016
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