A contract that has been sealed by the use of words from one person to another
"You can have my horse for 2 sheep"

"Deal done motherfucker"

Vocal contract made.
by Lukey_Mario March 12, 2014
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Lack (w)of vocal "liminal"
like some barrier consited around silence
by MyneOwedWoos June 20, 2023
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When you are a bad singer and try to cover Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" and so you get awfully out of pitch and then someone tries to sing it too and also get out of pitch and so they are appropriating your culture of getting out of pitch.
John: *singing I Will Always Love You out of pitch*
Mary: *also singing I Will Always Love You out of pitch*
John: Hey, I got out of pitch first. Stop appropriating my vocal capacities, that's vocal appropriation!
by youhadmeatok January 31, 2016
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Screaming in music (specifically metal). NOT defined as "scremo". Scremo is usually used to describe poser bands who need to have better harsh vocals.
For Today I has strong harsh vocals.
by Ephphatha09 February 2, 2012
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The singy voice used in a general conversation to response/interactions with another person to make communication more interesting/dramatic.
I I.V.A Interesting Vocal adduction responded with" noooo, I don't want you to rub my feettttt" in my best singing voice. He said "it's fine, i will wait till you fall asleep..he's a weirdo but I get it.
by Sunnykittyshine December 23, 2018
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to speak out without hinderence
Charlie stressed to Cheryl and Melissa to vocalate often about handing off operational responsibilities
by Softwaredick December 21, 2022
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