10 definitions by MyneOwedWoos

Is a type of language curse place on humanity that talks in the third person as some form of god head and narritve sometimes based on religion, theme, thaughts, multiple languages, and some weird underworld shit the reverse world
by MyneOwedWoos June 20, 2023
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seems to be a form of electron flow through the body effecting you attraction in the world
by MyneOwedWoos June 20, 2023
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Usually fantasys like laws, money, and other bullshit based on there paranoid bullshit

but mainly is the use of nanotech in vaccines to cause tinnitus on sides of the brain acting as binairial beats actings as someone asking permisstion on linking something to an emotion, u can tell when the hook is placed by a ring on one side, brain having a sound thats constant to a ringing feeding of of bodys electrical charge.
You can tell when the hook is tying to catch a fish u could say but a light pressure on the opposite side of the head from the ringing, causing subconcious changes in body features, hence reptiles and possibly sacral energy
government mind control, its just some game they play to keep there slaves to busy to leave there fantasy, its only the spartans who give birth to men not so fn laws or titles
by MyneOwedWoos June 20, 2023
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Lack (w)of vocal "liminal"
like some barrier consited around silence
by MyneOwedWoos June 20, 2023
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Meta Hate M
Liminal on hating M for what ever
metas are always fag obsessed
by MyneOwedWoos June 20, 2023
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This cowardly concept of the mind and the world, befor technology it was reverse speech, now in moderndays its silent sounds like gangstalking and tinfoil hat stuff, believing in this christian go, opens the mind to subliminal under thethreshold guidance, through pretty anything that not above the threshold, bible talks about mrks and seals, its just about the first page and last page in reverse making subliminals like a third pesron narative of your life, but when you figure this out and the pschos and there father in law touching me cult, resort to binarual beat silent sound hypnosis, and there concept of god, anyone who hides them self and uses what not is a coward and a liar for the bi sexual bull of the american pig fuckers
god ain,t the name of the ruler of your life its something more time fucked up
by MyneOwedWoos June 25, 2023
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A form of language or time within all sides of direction and form
Liminal world is the mysterious threshold of langauge
by MyneOwedWoos June 20, 2023
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