To be duped into believing alternative facts are the truth.
Did you hear that Sweden was 'Rocked' by a 'Massive Terror Attack'? Uh no, I think you have been Trumped by Fox news or The Donald.
by larpin March 1, 2017
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Shitting your pants while waiting in line to vote or in a polling booth.
Goofus: Unnnnggghhhh *Frrrrrp* *PLOP*

Gallant: What the...oh for fucks sake what the fuck just rolled down your leg out of your shorts?

Goofus: *Groan in relief* I'm so sorry dawg. I just trumped in my pants after voting yes on Prop number 2. Didn't wear my BVD's today so the turd base jumped out of my asshole and onto the floor with total ease bro. You should try it sometime, let the republicans deal with the mess after they lose, they earned it hahaha!

Gallant: I will not try it sometime! What the fuck is the matter with you!? You first shit your pants in the Ross changing room and now this!? You're a taxpayer goddamnit! Stop shitting your pants and act like one!
by Queef_Quackenbush_Jr November 1, 2020
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Defrauded, duped - fooled to believe a person when in fact they are using the person for their own personal gain
by mikielikesit December 3, 2016
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Assholery to the ten-billionth power.
The trumpness of Trump never ceases to amaze me, with how overly trumpish his trumpery out-trumps his own trumpness, time and time again.
by Brewt.Blacklist March 12, 2016
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To rape a women, blame it on a Mexican, and not let the women pay to get an abortion.
Girl: I just got trumped.
Boy: I feel so, very, sorry for you.
by a babies goad May 8, 2017
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A ruler of a country which will turn a democracy into a dictatorship
"It's a shame how the U.S got trumped in 2017"
"yeah i know, glad i live in Europe"
by RedAcid February 18, 2017
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Trumped: To completely mess something up.
I tried to cook risotto but I trumped it.
by JediMasterKarma February 5, 2017
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