21 definitions by a babies goad


To poke a gutt's nose in response to a gertering.
Whenever I beleepoh a bad gutt, it starts to gerter all over me, and then I'm naked, and I have AIDS.
by a babies goad April 13, 2017
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fake news

NBC: Trump says we are fake news
Trump: you are fake news
by a babies goad May 8, 2017
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when you finally realize that dabbing is retarded and that every time you do it, you look like a complete lemming idiot.
Billy: The other day, I dabbed, and I hit a kid in the face! Hahah, what a loser!
Bob: Hey, you know dabbing is retarded and idiotic. Stop drooling on me, you cretin!
Billy: whoa! I just had an Anti-disestablishment un-premature dabbing revelation! I will never dab again!
by a babies goad May 4, 2017
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To rape a women, blame it on a Mexican, and not let the women pay to get an abortion.
Girl: I just got trumped.
Boy: I feel so, very, sorry for you.
by a babies goad May 8, 2017
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oral porn

watching two people have a long, rational talk about sexual intercourse
whenever i watch oral porn, my tongue gets an erection
by a babies goad May 5, 2017
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Making Babies

Did you know in 2011 there were 42.0852359209% more people born than people who died. This was due to the act of making babies.
by a babies goad May 5, 2017
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a derogatory and generally offensive term for an obese cat.
In the presence of a gutt, one must emit a "gutt screech", a loud noise that sounds like this: AUIKHAUIOYA
Random kid : How will I know if they're a gutt?
Me : Oh, you'll know a gutt when you see one.
by a babies goad April 11, 2017
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