chomping down on a lot of food really fast
Casey makes a big plate of green beans, ribs, potatoes, and macaroni. She starts eating it super fast with super big bites.
Jason watching her: Damn Casey’s throwing down that food
by lollltree1 October 9, 2019
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the wife of a man whose homosexuality isn't accepted by his parents and he is forced to marry a woman
Me: We're not sure if my sister's boyfriend is gay or not.
Aunt Beth: Maybe she can be his throw down wife.
Aunt Janet: Well she won't be getting thrown down much.
by idon'tknowwhyi'mhere November 28, 2015
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Comes from throwing down the gauntlet, which was a medieval practice in which knights challenging each other would happen. A common saying among the people of the streets these days would be shortened to throw down
Guy A "d'ya think there will be a terror attack today C? I'm scared?"

Guy C " rules are rules A, if there is a showdown we must throw down"
by Manly Man named Man li September 15, 2017
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A stellar performance by a band or performance troop.

... to have partied hardy; turned the crowd out; tore the roof off the sucker. (see also, threw down)
"We throwed down hard last night and a good time was has by all!"
by The Book of Wonder August 22, 2014
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a non-gross sounding term to define masturbation/"jerking off"/"busting a nut"/idek what else but all of these terms sound gross, with just the syntax
"She had the place to herself all day and was just trying to throw some shit down when her roommate unexpectedly knocked loudly on the door."

"My ex always tried to tell me how often I should throw some shit down...that's why I broke up with them."
by darfefe24 March 15, 2021
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