The action of placing a towel on the bed before having sex with your partner whilst in her period. The towel limits bedsheet soiling.
by mr_dirtbox July 21, 2009
1. "Damn, she threw the torch down."
2. Person 1: "I can't believe he just said that."
Person 2: "He threw the torch down!"
Person 1: "What is that? That's not even a real phrase."
2. Person 1: "I can't believe he just said that."
Person 2: "He threw the torch down!"
Person 1: "What is that? That's not even a real phrase."
by threwthetorchdown1 December 18, 2011
-When someone wins an argument or a burn/comeback has been used, a third-party should respond using this term.
-Can be used in multiple ways but must be used with the words throw-the-torch-down, in that order.
-Can be used in multiple ways but must be used with the words throw-the-torch-down, in that order.
Kim: At least my butt is big!
Khloe: She just threw the torch down!
Justin: Well, I know I can sing, what about you?
Shaq: oh boy! The torch has just been thrown down!
Khloe: She just threw the torch down!
Justin: Well, I know I can sing, what about you?
Shaq: oh boy! The torch has just been thrown down!
by prettygirlrock18 September 25, 2011
to quit a job
from Mule Skinner Blues
' if you don't like your job, Little Water Boy, just throw your bucket down"
from Mule Skinner Blues
' if you don't like your job, Little Water Boy, just throw your bucket down"
the boss told Billy Bob he did not like his attitude, so Billy
Bob just threw his bucket down yesterday
Bob just threw his bucket down yesterday
by twango bango September 11, 2007
I threw her baby down the stairs
by black nigger balls November 15, 2021
by Dumbunnny June 25, 2014