A masturbation technique wherein the erect penis is grasped firmly, rather than the more common stroking method. Often, the force of the clench is varied rhythmically until ejaculation occurs. (Note, this method is not to be conflated with a “titty squeezer,” which does involve a measure of squeezing, but relies on the standard friction based piston procedure.)
Dude she gave me a squeezer, on the couch, with her parents right next to us in the other room.
by Faro Gomez June 18, 2019
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taking something that dont belong to you like road signs
Sam is a damn chicken squeezer he stole them signs.
by robert willy August 18, 2006
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1) A person that is being rude or offensive ; 2) a person that enjoys squeezing cocks ; a synonym for when a person is a dick
Sam was being a real cock squeezer last night at the bar.
by Blue Coconut September 11, 2023
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When a man squeezes his rectal sphincter around another man’s penis with so much force that he tears the second man’s penis from his body and the second man bleeds out and dies.
“He was poundin’ me in my ass, hard, and I had to give him the ol’ Turlock Squeezer: he started hollerin’ and a-carryin’ on, but when I get goin’ like that with the Squeezer I just cain’t stop.”
by Priest of Assplay August 27, 2023
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A person who is naturally an overly confident pest in every situation when In reality they are actually a loser.
No ones laughing with you everyone’s laughing at you, you fuckin gerbil squeezer
by Cuzzo Papi March 5, 2018
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A walker with a ring hanging from the top that you can fuck, so that the elderly can masturbate loudly like they used to
by Dirtylittlesecret.alyx December 19, 2020
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when riding ones dick you squeeze it with your vagina to assert your dominance
damn! that girl was a total canterbury squeezer.
by goprohomo42069 October 26, 2023
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