Nick is a really kinky dude, but he is very kind and loving. He is a very sensitive, humble, and straight forward, mind set friend. Once he gets to know you, you will be mind blown. both ways actually. He cares about everyone around him and always puts his friends first. it is very rare to find a Nick. if you ever find one, remember to make them feel special and appreciated, and remind them of how squishy their face can be!
He is so hot! Look at the Nick! He's so sweet. I'd kiss him anytime anywhere! Please be my Nick.
by danleith March 28, 2018
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Will be your best Freaking friend. Won't like you like the way you want him too but that is ok he will still be there for you. Likes all your friends. Plays games with your head when it comes to him liking you. You always think you have a chance and then he goes and ruins it but you won't care cause you love him a lot
Nick will be one you won't forget
by Mystery girl5414 December 20, 2017
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Some short arm mutant asshole from the valley. He will blow you for Starbucks coffee.
Nick that asshole wants to suck my cock for a cup of joe
by Tuna732 November 3, 2019
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Hassan:Hey, you know Nick?

Kevin:Yeah. He a big man.
by DestiiiiiiiineeZ February 25, 2010
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A guy who at first seems like a gentleman, but when he's with his buddies he acts like a complete asshole.
Also rhymes with Dick.
Dude... I saw Nick earlier today and he was being so nice to me. But then I saw him again a few hours ago with his friends and I said "hi" and he told me to go get laid.
by mrdonn April 26, 2011
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Nick is a pussywhipped breed that never does anything relatively fun at all. Instead he plays cribbage and sucks on his moms left tit
Look that guy what a pussywhipped breed bet his names nick
by Jaytime October 23, 2019
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The most amazing guy that makes me smile even when everything goes wrong. The only one that I can see spending the rest of my life with and the one that makes life worth living. Hes the most amazing seraphic person in this world. Hes the kind of person that calls you early in the morning to ask you how to do laundry only to say that he already knew how and needed an excuse to talk to you <3 His voice is the only one I can recognize so clearly, his eyes are the deep shade of brown that when he looks at me I still melt. I love him with all my heart. Love isnt even a strong enough word to describe what I feel for him. Hes the sexiest funniest smartest most caring human being in this world ... And hes all mine C:
"Aww he sent you flowers!? Thats so Nick!"
by KittyluvsRawr October 27, 2011
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