A sound that can be used in practically every scenario, and is more contextual than literal.
person 1: I just fucked your girlfriend
person 2: Merp

Person 1: OMG! You just won the lottery!
Person 2: Merp
Person 1: Do you mind merping me to the bank?
by OG Guru April 29, 2018
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a word said when an awkward conversation is happening to make things less awkward,quiet or can be used as an expression of saddness or to change the conversation. Founded by a man living in Wisconsin.
Him. Wanna get pizza and make out?

Her. No!

Him. Merp
by Smurry8 June 15, 2017
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An evolved greeting deriving from a strange not-quite-meow of a kitten. Since first being introduced, "Merp" is now an acceptable word to use as much as possible, to confuse non-merpers and to connect with the crazy cat community, and is slowly being used more often in everyday life.

Can also be used as an adverb (Merpy), a noun (e.g. silly Merp!) or verb (She was Merping)
1- *walks in* "Merp!"
2- "oh, Merp!"
by AliasDictionary December 1, 2017
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What you say when you don't have an adequate response and are somewhat embarrassed or insecure about the subject matter.
Jack: So, how do your parents feel about us going out?
Annie: Merp.

Mom: How prepared are you to file your own taxes for the first time?
Jimmy: Merp.

Chris: What will it take for you to admit that you like me?
Lindsey: Merp!
by Lynxical February 10, 2016
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The word ‘merp’ is indeed used in awkward situations. It is commonly used by a homosapien species called ‘Merp’ and if it is fancy, a ‘Merpington’. A merp, will always say merp, even in it is not awkward. Some use it on quizzes or tests if they do not know the answer.
For example:
Girl 1: Hey you’ll be checking my wuiz and vice versa!
Girl 2: Okay then!
Girl 1: Uhm What’s ‘merp’? Is it a valid ans-
Girl 2: Merp.

Boy: I really li-
Girl: Merp. I am a Merpington, not a Merp.
Boy: merp..
by vanillarie December 4, 2017
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