Maggie is a super fun gal. She always knows how to keep the squad laughing. She may be a little doubtful of herself sometimes but finds a way to get out of that mindset. If you have a Maggie in your life, have fun lol. You’re gonna have a lot of fun times with her.
Friend : “Omg, MAGGIE, you’re so funny and cute!”
MAGGIE : “lol ok
by Fruity theatre kid December 26, 2022
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She is gorgeous and very loving. Everything about her makes any guy want to be hers! Be careful not to make her mad though she can be a stick of dynamite at times. She is a very strong and intelligent young woman do not underestimate her! But once MAGGIE has someone very special in her life she’ll love them with everything she’s got. Make sure to never loose a girl like this.
Maggie is awesome!
by Bigman573 January 28, 2019
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She is probably a thot, can act autistic and very annoying. For some reason people like her which (we don't know why)
by Aagvubxsg October 5, 2017
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Maggie Is a pretty girl and has lots of strength she doesn’t fuck with anybody she will steal your mans you’re lucky to even be her friend she’s very smart and intelligent she has a very rough life she Has a sense in fashion and loves clothes
Maggie is my best friend
by Kayla Samuels?? January 14, 2018
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to squeeze, or firmly grab another person's buttox region casually, all while pretending it wasn't you.
(Girl walks past a guy and nonchalantly grabs his ass as she walks past)

Guy to friend : "Dude! That girl totally just MAGGIE'D me!"
by truemaggielover December 12, 2009
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1. The type of girl whose cock mileage is measured in the same units as interstellar distances.
2. Needs a smacking every once in a while like a semi-broken TV.
3. That girl that you can't tell whats dumber, the shit she says or the fucking god-awful voice that wont stop.
4. The Inuinnaqtun word for bad cook or chef.
5. The certain type of dirty whore that does not know they are a dirty whore.
6. The short form of Margaret.
1. 1,854 AU (Astronomical Unit(s)) of cock.

3.62 Light Years of cock.
0.182 pc (Parsec(s)) of cock.

2. Bob: "Hey, Mike wanna garb drinks tonight? Maggie's acting up again."
Mike: "For sure. Did u forget to give her medicinal bi-weekly smackings?"

Bob: "Oh shit good call bro."
Mike: "Bud, I told you when I gave her to you, she needs bi-weekly smacks to the face to function properly.
Bob: "I know man, its just... my hand still hurts from last time."
Mike: "It's alright bobby we've all gotten tired of smacking Maggie. But it must be done."

3. Maggie: "<says dumb shit>"
Bob: " Shut the fuck up please"
Maggie:"What? Why? this is something we really need to discuss"
Bob: " youre absolutely correct, lets talk by txt, i've got some errands i gotta run"

4. You never tell a Maggie "Kaagliqpunga." Inuit Tradition, you just don't.

5.Roger: "Bob check out that girl in red. Dare me to ask her out?"
Bob: "I've been there and i'm telling you, thats a Maggie, steer clear for youre own safety."
Roger: "What how do you know? she seems like a really nice person"
Bob: " Thats how they all are, its how they have to be in order to withhold their survivability through the denial of their whoredom on a day to day basis."

6. Potentially of Persian origin, derived from the Persian language marvârid (مروارید), a pearl or daughter of light.
by Usedpseudonym December 18, 2013
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A dumb bitch , when she breaths it's probably the worst thing cause she just sits there like a dumb bitch
"Shut up, Maggie, you dumb bitch."

"Spell cat right now, dumb bitch."
by Nana the Dog October 16, 2019
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