Schöneɪ, ˈlaɪəs
Used to describe someone's failure, even if their name is not Lias.
*Tom drops his phone*

- "Schöne, Lias"
by fritz565656 March 29, 2023
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She is an amazing person. If u have a friend or best friend with this name your super lucky. I’m lucky enough to have a Lia-Mae as a friend. They are bubbly and creative. They talk a lot and are independent. They make sure everyone is treated fairly and that they all get a chance. They different ways to do everything. If u know a Lia-Mae don’t let them go for anything. They’re special. They always try to see the positive side of everything. They are stronger hearted and minded. Don’t mess with her or her friends. She’ll come for you. She’s not such a shy person. She’s out there and doesn’t care what anyone thinks about them. Lia-Maes are a blessing to us all.
Wow is that Lia-Mae?!

Yeah, I heard that u should never mess with her friends


Cause she’ll come for you
by DeathByCupcake April 19, 2019
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litty lia is a pretty litty titty sucker. She has an amazing personality and she never gives up on people. She makes people smile no matter what
"Who is that?"
"Litty Lia."
"Holy Shit."
by Litty Lia December 17, 2018
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Lia and Sam are to friends, Sam of course is a boy and Lia is a girl...these friends constantly try to ruin other friendships, Lia is also someone that you should drop as a friend because she is a two face hoe that lies about everything and everybody and Sam is also two faced but he promises something and does the opposite and lies about everything and everybody
Girl 1: Sam said: I was friends with her for a long seven years but I waisted my time

Girl2: I was only friends with him for three years

Girl1: I told Sam not to tell Lia and he said her wouldn’t but he did and this is what Lia said: Girl2 is a two faced bitch


Lia and Sam: we dumb
by The real bih November 23, 2019
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A grandma who acts like a math teacher, very boring and never talks about cool stuff
"Aw it's an old lady, she looks like a lia's grandma"
by Dubyaballer February 14, 2016
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A thing called Lia which is looking for girls as her prey and only girls
by Haha dildobagins June 28, 2021
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