Leah is the type of person you can tell anything to. She is so nice and the person you want to have around.She is also good at everything , her grades are all A's and she the person you want to have on your team for PE. Leah is just the best friend ever!
Leah: " what did you get for your quiz?"
other person: " a B"
Leah: " thats not that bad"
other person: " what did you get?"
Leah: an A with extra credit"
by Reesie_piecie97 January 16, 2020
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she is a very talented musician but nobody has seen how good she really is, she is very popular with the boys and dreams of a healthy relationship. She is well known for her hair and eyes but she dosent see the big deal, she is very beautiful and intelligent. She loves animals to death and would protect them in any way!! if She ever got the chance to be with her LOVE again..she would kill for it and this time, NOT mess it up..SHE PROMISES!!! 😫❤️
“Omg, who’s that Hot chick?”
“Bro, thats Leah. She’s the hottest chick in school! “
by RachelCarter1122334455 October 3, 2019
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From the hood; sexy girl, fights a lot when people mess with her or her friends/family; dont minde haters
Ooh did you see leah confront that girl
by Edition_L March 13, 2017
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Leah’s are just so perfect from head to toe. There smart, beautiful, thoughtful and all round sexy.
Oi look at her”
Yeah she’s a Leah”
by Randomness 22 March 18, 2018
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She so thicc she’s such a Leah
by Bbbtjcjnd September 22, 2019
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Leah is perfect. She’s intelligent, friendly, sweet, caring, responsible, and extremely beautiful. She is also very humble and deserves the world.
Hey isn’t Bryson going to date Leah?
He can try..
by Lucas juro May 24, 2019
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An independent woman that tells it how it is.she very beautiful and caring. She sticks up for her friends and is super nurturing. She helps out as much as possible. She sometimes forgets her own needs but she catches on eventually. Whenever somebody messes with her friends she stands up for them and tells them straight!
Bully: you look like a frog!
Leah: don't talk to my friend that way!
Friend: I've got the worlds greatest friend
by Caveman2themax April 4, 2019
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