Connor Johnston is an amazing person with a bright future! He loves music and loves spending time with his brothers and sisters & family! He's a handsome brunette with dreamy brown and occasionally hazel eyes. He is very insecure and shy until you get to really know him. He will be there for you whenever you need him, and puts his friends and families priorities before his own. His personality will make you want to be around him 24/7. He knows how to make a conversation good and long lasting. He's a great guy to date because he can be your best friend and boyfriend. He loves just about any type of music. And is very artistic and musical himself! Connor Johnston has a soft side and a very sweet side that only the luckiest people get to see. He's very attractive and has a great body! He will fall for the perfect girl and guve her the world! He's a very loyal person. If you ever get to meet a Connor Johnston then you are one lucky person!
girl 1: "did you see that amazing sweet and cute guy at the party?"
girl 2: "oh yea I know him! That's Connor Johnston!"
girl 1: "you know him?"
girl 2: "year"
girl 1: "wow you're lucky!!!"
girl 2: "i know"
by reesecup July 19, 2014
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Biggest douche bag you’ll ever meet. He thinks he’s the shit because he’s fucked 5 5 whores and plays football. He’s someone you’ll never want to meet.
I was having a good day until that kid Cole Johnston walked in. He punched me in the face as he walked by
by Efaulkn December 10, 2019
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The most beautiful kind hearted person on earth. She has a beautiful smile and a great personality. Anyone that is her friend is lucky there isn’t many people out there that are as kind and awesome as her.
Dang that girls so hot I bet her names keely

Wow she’s so sweet I bet she’s a Keely

Look at that beautiful smile her names definitely Keely

Keely Johnston - a great kind hearted person that is cute and fun to be around.
by Jadin Sansom May 21, 2018
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an emma johnston is the type of person to shag every person that walks past her as she is a smelly whore. she also has 17 toes
i was walking to the shop and ran into an emma johnston she had 17 toes and smelt like fish shit
by 🧖🏾‍♂️ June 3, 2020
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A girl who isn't afraid to have attention ,she is energetic,pretty,and has a lot of friends.she can sometimes be over dramatic,no commen sense most of the time,and doesnt care what people say about her
by kameronj10 December 16, 2013
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A cold hearted woman with blonde greasy hair. A sassy attitude and a bitchy voice. She wears slutty clothes and does the slut drop in class
She did the slut drop, she must be Tricsha Johnston

She wears slutty clothes, she must be Tricsha Johnston
by eatmycherryasshole March 14, 2018
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