Soft vegan boi who makes good tunes, is secretly tol and super sassy about politics.
I cry about Declan McKenna 2 to 3 times a day
by whateven123 January 22, 2017
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during this month all declans most become non exsistant. if you see a declan you can legally tell him to shut up and die.
holly: oh hey is that declan?
ally: yeah it is.
declan: ayo-
danika: its no declan december GET OUT
by martyforpresident February 10, 2021
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A very tol sassy vegan boi, who is the queen of glitter, makes cool tunes, and mind boggling tweets.
I watch Declan Mckenna memes 2 to 6 times a day, and watch him have a little giggle.
by FLORISOL February 11, 2018
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a sparkly, vegan, mullet man who writes cool music and makes me cry. he is an underrated gem and everyone should go listen to his music.
why am i crying? oh, yeah, i'm listening to 'eventually, darling' by declan mckenna. of course i'm crying.
by willowpillow<3 April 26, 2021
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A sassy vegan SOB that makes good tunes
Person 1: Hey, have u heard that new Declan McKenna song???
Person 2: Yeah, I sure do love Vegan Punk
by thnksfrptrck January 17, 2017
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The act of eating Starbursts out of a women's vagina.
Bob- Dude, I did the Reverse Declan on Stacy last night.

Kyle- No way!
by Kitty2000 October 7, 2014
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He makes great tunes and is really cute. He also makes me cry because he's too cute (especially the song 'in blue').
Lil vegan boiiiii.
Person A - do u listen to Declan McKenna

by Themightycooch April 21, 2019
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