a code word used when your parents are around instead of saying smoking marijuana
Parent: What did you do today?
You: I played baseball with a few friends.
Parent: Did you have fun?
You: OOOOH YEA... (laughs to self)
by EricIsHottToTheMax May 15, 2005
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Bat-and-ball game originating in Britain, where it is called “Rounders” and is principally played by schoolgirls.
At any given time it involves one pitching-&-fielding team, who must dismiss the batsmen by throwing the ball past them to a catcher, and one batting team who must strike the ball in such away as to enable them to run between the “plates” or “bases” and so amass points.

Apparently also played by grown men, in the Colonies.
Q : Will you be watching the baseball?
A : What, rounders? My good man, watching schoolgirls is *illegal* in my country.
by lex November 25, 2004
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The act of a male hardcore baseball fan going down on another male to the base of the balls. The term was derived because baseball sucks.
Chris is baseballing at the Ranger's game.
by metallicoolguy June 5, 2009
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a sport that used to be enjoyable and fun to follow, but has been ruined by the likes of high-payroll teams such as Red Sox, Dodgers, Angels, and Yankees, buying out all the fire-pwer from smaller markets.
Baseball is the only sport where I feel like my favorite team will never have a fair shot at success, thanks to those rich, cock-sucking clubs and the MLB draft which hardly helps.
by Bozo the Klown February 18, 2009
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a “sport” for gay guys who think there cool playing a un athletic sport
hey your gay

how did you know

because you play baseball
by bill bob no no is April 28, 2021
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It's a fun game just to watch and play, and losers with no friends tend to overanalyze the game by citing obscure statistics, like ops.
Fan 1: So who's gonna win today? The White Sox or the Yankees?
Fan 2: The Yankees seem superior on paper, but White Sox sluggers have a .97% greater chance of stealing bases against right-handed starting pitchers on Tuesday day games...
by ThatsBriskBaby April 6, 2005
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crappiest and most boaring sport in the world played by wussies who cry if they strike our or get hit by a ball. if u want a real tough sport for people with real talent and strength play hockey or football.
bob:hey dude do u like baseball?

joe:no way that sport is for fucking wussies!
by fuck baseball March 22, 2009
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