An act of war committed against the United States. The day the Taliban regime comitted suicide.
9/11 was a blatant act of terrorism committed against civilians who were just going to work to make a living. How quickly people forget.
by Guy Dude Bro September 30, 2007
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A day where over 3000 people died because of TERRORISTS. Not fucken the government of aliens or anyone else. It was also the day where we realized that we are vulnerable and that half the world hates us for no reason. Many conspiracies have been made up from this day which are all lies and fake. Conspiracy means a cover up from the truth. Liberals made these up because they see the world as a perfect place where everyone loves each other. Well its not. The real word is a terrible place. We live in a country where none of that happens because we have good leaders and a good economy. You guys think bush is bad. Try living under saddam or the guy who is killing everyone in Sudan. And you guys say bush is bad because of a war. We freed all those people living on a terrible dictatorship. Those people love us. Osama even said that he fucken bombed us and people still say it was a lie. 9/11 was real and it was because of terrorists, that families were separated and kids lost their parents. 9/11 was the worst day ever.
9/11 will forever be know as a day were families were torn apart and american united as one to fight the terrorists.
by cal vin January 17, 2007
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An emergency phone number if you take out the solidus.
And a day where even an Alzheimer patient will remember where he was and what he was doing.
A emergency number on an unforgotabble day.

by sian213 November 25, 2008
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The day when Al-Queda terrorist hijacked CIVILIAN planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and one more being taken back over by the passengers. altogerther, over 3,000 people died. This was NOT a government hoax. It was an cowardly attack aganist innocent people, which, no matter what you say, locked us uin a war aginst a great evil, Al-Queda and its other little groups. This, is fact, and incase you didn't notice, this is also a crime aginst humanity.
Protester- Bush is behind 9/11!!
Random Guy- Do you have proof?
Protester- Well, yeah, he framed it beacuse he is a Nazi!
Random Guy- Sorry, but I don't have time for this.

by GeneralSJC December 27, 2006
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The date of a 2001 attack that made air travel annoying and tedious.
If it wasn't for 9/11, I could bring my shampoo on the airplane.
by HolyProphetOfTruth November 19, 2014
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On 9/11 :

313th day of the year (314th in leap years)

1888 – Jack the Ripper kills Mary Jane Kelly, his last known victim.

1938 – Nazi German diplomat Ernst vom Rath dies from the fatal gunshot wounds of Jewish resistance fighter Herschel Grynszpan, an act which the Nazis used as an excuse to instigate the 1938 national pogrom, also known as Kristallnacht.

1989 – Cold War: Fall of the Berlin Wall. Communist-controlled East Germany opens checkpoints in the Berlin Wall allowing its citizens to travel to West Germany.

1921 – Albert Einstein is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work with the photoelectric effect.

2005 – Suicide bombers attacked three hotels in Amman, Jordan, killing at least 60 people.
by Critical Design December 2, 2009
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