AKA, the homeAID

Using whatever is around to create a BandAid. Materials usually include tape and a paper towel/a piece of toilet paper.
When I cut myself on accident, I made a redneck bandaid since I didn't want to grab a one from downstairs .
by P E N G U I N May 24, 2023
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Yo I got stabbed luckily I had a Redneck Band-Aid on me.
by BurntAce January 20, 2021
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The typical start to every Redneck's weekend.
Grab a can of Canada Dry ginger ale, some chicken, and a little bit of cousin fuckin' and you've got yourself a Redneck's Friday night.
by SquidSplitter June 1, 2015
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When a girl gives you a handjob with sand paper then throws rubbing alcohol on it after
My sister gave me the redneck good timeit hurt like hell
by Daddy long leg 96 July 14, 2017
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Another term for a pair of plyers, called this because it is a multi-purpose tool, including a wrench, for people who are either broke or don't have the right tools handy.
I don't have a real wrench, but you can use my redneck wrench.
by deepspace10 April 2, 2023
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This is the guy that always has a beer in is hand. He has no limit to how much he can drink. Odds are he has a car up on blocks and will have it fixed up sooner or later. A good guy to have in your crew because most are loyal to a fault, even though his drunken fun will sometimes get you into trouble.
Well he's a Redneck Rida.
by Chris the Wordsmith February 3, 2011
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A Sherrif named Schalla, who is riding his two legged donkey, towing his shit arsed cannons whilst going to war.
Hey Dolly what's that comin? Why its a South African redneck of course.
by GODX Mascot April 14, 2020
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