When a twitter user has a one-way conversation with a celebrity so that to the users followers, it seems like they are talking to a celebrity and thus are instantly über-cool in the eyes of their followers, when in fact they are a loser with nothing better to do than have a fake conversation with themselves.

Similar to name dropping IRL, but even more annoying and even less likely to be true.
Tweet-Dropper: @BritneySpears How did the barbecue go? I heard Justin Timberlake was there too >.< awkward?

Tweet-Dropper (A few minutes later, without a reply from Britney): @BritneySpears Haha yes, I suppose after a while it got pretty normal for both of you, you must go to loads of the same things!

Tweet-Dropper (Again few minutes later, still without any replies from Britney): Yeah, it's been great! How do you squeeze so much into 140 chars lol? =P

Tweet-Dropper's Follower: Wow, this guy I'm following is having a conversation with THE Britney Spears!

Tweet-Dropper (To self): They are totally falling for my Tweet-Dropping!
by James Xuan April 22, 2009
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Sinking at least 2 effervescent Alka-Seltzer tablets in carbonated/fizzy seltzer water/club soda/soda water as an old-school hangover relief remedy.
Bob got so loaded last night at the party, I just saw him doing a double seltzer-drop in the break room.
by busterboner August 29, 2009
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to spend money, usually refers to spending money on something of significant value
yo tr0n Bigson, come take a look at this computer I'm building. It's prolly gonna be around a 600 bone drop in all.
by sir_crapalot September 23, 2007
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To Post A Pic With Somebody U Plan On Dating.
Mike ask Tiana to drop a lick .
by 326girl January 3, 2018
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Where two intelligence officers - or other people involved in the collection of intelligence - meet up to covertly exchange intelligence; often in the form of notes, disks, thumbdrives, etc.

See also: dead drop.
This better be quick, I've got a live drop with Alpha3 in 10 minutes.
by molecule802.11 July 21, 2009
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To whoop someone's ass so bad that their body drops. Basically a knockout.
This fool kept takin' hella shit so me and Zay had to come through and drop a body.
by sanchmas February 11, 2017
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