School was once a place where people went to learn. Now teachers do nothing but try to teach children to fear authority. Yet, they don't even do that right. You see, I can flip off a teacher and get 2 days of ISS. Yet, I also get beat up by a couple of seniors who don't take any punishment. School is also a place where you are beaten up by bullies, and learn bad habbits.

Because of everything I said you probably think I hate school. Well your wrong. I get to talk to girls at school.
School would suck if it wasn't for girls.
by Okita-Sama April 2, 2005
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A place where where you pay them to teach you even though you have no choice.
Joe: Hooked up fonics really phucked me up!
by Caesar January 16, 2005
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place where you learn shit
school is the place where you learn about shit
by #75 May 3, 2006
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Being taught the proper way to preform an action, via extreme ownage and embarrasment. This requires the schooler, who is always of such a high level of skill that the schoolee has no chance of saving his reputation, to utterly dominate and show no remorse. If remorse is shown, it is done in a cool and laid-back way, as in to say "Your not even worth the effort of my pinkie finger", which ironically is just as brutal as an all-out ownage.

If you ever find yourself being schooled, it is wise to not bitch about it. Doing so makes you look like a tool.
Dude...Jim was getting schooled by Bob while playing basketball. Jim decided to be a tool and talk shit about Bob while he was losing 10-2. Bob then released a can of unrelenting whoop-ass on Jim, who then had no choice but to become a traveling back-up dancer and change his name to Kevin Federline.

He can currently be found schooling Britney Spears on the art of gold digging.
by noobtastic March 24, 2006
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something that causes us all physical, mental, and emotional pain and suffering
school is the worst it is shit shit shit shit shit I want to kill myself jump off a bridge and die diefwfwqefewqfeargreqgeqrg3eqrgeqrgqregeqgeqrgegeg help help help help help help mem memememememememmeeeee;oewfewjkeowifjkowifjeiwpfkwoefkowiefijewifjiwefjrehughrui i just need to get out of this hellhole just please help eewwewfewrgerjgerwighe4wruighvesrutihgerhgherigheurgherugherighureghegherghegegqeugrhergreigheiwhgehuwh ergfherghh the teachers suck they do nothing for you they give you no help they are lazy and mean and cruel and abusive just come to my house and kill me plz fdqerferawfgrwqrfgeqrgeqrgerqgewrsfgearwrger
by johny fucking depp March 9, 2021
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by RedstoneTrippy August 16, 2018
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school is a demo for prison but for kids
by wolfzo February 21, 2022
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