A more popular variant to the term "cool beans" which is used to describe something very favorable or pleasing. Popularized in 2021, Cool Clits has become a more modern approach to using the outdate original term.
Julia: Hey, I'm submissive and not dominant whatsoever!
Squishy: Cool clits! That's badass!
by SquishyTheGreat July 25, 2021
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Bud 1: out for a rip are ya bud?
Bud 2: oh fuck yeah bud, it's clits to shits in this pub!
by Dread_pirateRoberts March 17, 2017
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one who performs unmentionable things to the clit to the point it is no longer recognizable.
Damn Keith i couldnt even get at that bitch after you. Quit fuckin up all the downstairs of all the homie hoppers, none of them look the same after they get with you. Quit bein such a clit thrasher.
by Dat White Bitch June 11, 2016
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An interjection synonymous to "Shit On My Dick!" yet uses opposite words.
Gamer 1: Yo I just scored 3 times in a row on you in Rocket League! *Scores fourth goal*
Gamer 2: Piss on my clit!
by NotThatInn0cent September 19, 2017
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When a friend you trusted fucks your current or ex-girlfriend.
Rick is such a clit bandit he slept with Debra, John's ex-girlfriend.
by Steve3678 May 28, 2023
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A guy that goes around and fucks a lot of women in relationships.
man chad is such a clit bandit, he flipped my girls nips then dipped
Terry the clit bandit really ruined a lot of relationships during IUPatties
by stephanohl October 10, 2019
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Another word for your hand or your "fingers" in specific
I hate when they ain't got no paper towels to dry the clit whistlers JRed!
by Dfiler420 February 21, 2019
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