On August 5th is Fuck a homie day is a day where you fuck a homie duh
Homie 1 "Dude, you have a nice ass can I fuck it?"
Homie 2 "Ofc you can, it's fuck a homie day ;) "
by FNBlizzardYT August 3, 2022
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On the 30th of October each year National Homie anal day consists of homies of all sexuality’s coming together to cum.
Jamie: Yo bro it’s National homie anal day

Dylan: Aight, pants down
by Homielover6000 October 12, 2022
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Songs that are one time wonders.

(repeated on the radio until a new song comes out)
Jim: Did you hear that new Kanye West song

Jack: No i don't listen to Homi Music
by lecrae June 3, 2011
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To dry hump your friend as a joke, possibly while playing gay together.
Kids nowadays are " Tacking a homie ", That's pretty fucking gay
by Mphb July 8, 2023
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When you and and your homie DP a girl between you.
Sam: “Yo wanna make a Homie Sandwich with yo girl?”

Josh: “Sure thing my homie!”
by Homiesexual135 February 7, 2022
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When two male friends are comfortable enough in their status as homies that they can appreciate the objective attractiveness of each other.
When the homies are secure they can cuddle, they got homie security.
“Damn Cp is gooood looking, I feel comfortable saying that cuz we have homie security”
by Janesplaining January 9, 2021
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Homie I O U: pleading the 3rd to pay or not pay you later…
Plug: still smoking now or still got the tooth problem?
Customer: (takes a fat rip) “I plead the 5th
You have what you owe me?
Plug: “I plead the 3rd”

Homie I O U…
by Bigbirddebelen June 19, 2022
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