When the division and "hate" between two political figures, parties, countries, etc. is predominantly fabricated, and both parties/figures are on much better terms with each other than what they portray, all to benefit their own personal interests.
"Dude, did you see the picture of the Clinton's with Trump at his wedding? I thought they hated each other!"
"Bro, their hatred for each other is just some watering hole politic."

Water(ing) hole politics came to me in a fever dream. Derives from how animals were thought to put aside their prey/predator interactions when at a watering hole. This turned out to be a myth, just like how even the friendly banter of two political opponents which supposedly hate each other behind the scenes is likely fake too, as both candidates are acting nice to each other behind curtains for their own personal gain, and likely don't even like each other.
by Lolo Spaghetti November 10, 2020
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A unintentional typo that occurs when you type "FUCKING SIMP" and it appears as "****ING SIMP". It indicates the use of a regularly used profanity followed by a guy whose existence seems to be based around praising and agreeing with whatever points is made by a female.

Guy may be a serial apologists and is a geek over movies like LotR or a nerd about taxonomy/orchids.
-Playing a FPS-

Girl: Oh my god, why did you get the last hit? Why did you steal my kill????
SIMP: OH NO, SORRY KWEEN. I didn't mean too. You deserved it. uwu
Friend: Stop being a ****ING SIMP!!
by TheJenerate March 3, 2021
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The action of performing the wiggalo
Are you gonna be wiggalo-ing at morning song today?
by LiNx_lAd September 3, 2016
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I first heard the word glump in mid 90’s as it was referred to as to cum. Glumping is a verb, used in a sentence “oh baby I’m going to glump...oh god I’m glumping!!”
Glump/ing. Verb . As to Ejaculate
Oh god I’m going to glump!
Baby I’m “glumpingrite now.
I just”glumped” in my pants

Being defined as to ejaculation, orgasm, cumming
by GhostownCDA January 22, 2022
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To date guys who are younger than you and look good doing it.
Bex: How old is this stud-horse?
Sian: He is alot younger than me
Bex: So then you are JLO-ing It?... nice! Get it.
by Tijuanaprincess1 May 10, 2012
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Based on the scene from Family Guy where Cleveland Brown falls from a tub off a broken house after "Peter's shenanigans", Cleveland Brown-ing is just that.
"Honey, why is the neighbor on the roof again?"
"Its fine, he's just Cleveland Brown-ing again"
by IanRyan'sStepfather May 12, 2019
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