A confident little penis that can please a partner all night long
"his one inch demon wouldn't stop, not even at 10 am!"
by Ariegl July 16, 2018
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The prefix "Demon" means "A malevolent ethereal being" and the suffix "Ization" means "To make or change into". Therefore, "Demonization" is the act of turning something into a Demon.
Hym "You know what I'm going to say, right? 'Oh NO! The thing I DEMONIZED 'turned into' a DEMON... WHAT A TWIST! THE DEMONIZATION IS COMPLETE! WhO cOuLd HaVe PoSsIbLy SeEn THAT cOmInG!?!?! You'd have to be some kind of world changing revolutionary GENIUS!' Or something along those lines. You get the picture? That's the funny thing about the whole 'Prince of Lies' thing because I'm going to tell you the truth, and you're going to do the exact opposite of what I tell you to do out of spite... And then something bad is going to happen... Because you'd rather have bad things happen to you than listen to The Devil... Even is he's telling the truth... And that's what I'm saying about the attention and accountability thing too. There is a 'right way' to do what you're trying to do. There is a 'right way' to interpret the information you receive. There is a 'right kind' of attention."
by Hym Iam March 28, 2023
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I saw this Jew, right? And he's like "We can't allow people to demonize the Jews because it lead to the holocaust" but does that apply to everyone? All demonization is bad? Noooooo... I think not. I doubt it. But if demonization leads people being round up and killed we probably shouldn't do it to anyone, right? Or are we making another special exception?

Hym "Hey, Ben... 'Religious group no one cares about reaps what they sow' How's that for a headline? How does that sound? Because if all of the Abrahamic religions... Are derivative of Judaism... Then you are kind of directly responsible for creating the monster that is perpetually nipping at your neck. Directly responsible. How is that NOT reality snapping back in response to somebody 3000 years ago trying to carve out a special existential status for themselves and their families by tainting reality with what has to be the most egregious lie you could ever conceive of telling? Jordan? Anybody? 'YoU hAvE tO pRoTeCt Us GuYs! We brought you your perpetual and indefinite enslavement by God guys! You owe us!'
Hey Jordan, Why don't they just leave? Why don't they just leave? They could leave, come to America, everybody loves Jews here. Not the Neo-Nazi but, you know, their fine. They'll get over it. I'm fine with them coming here. I'm even willing to forgive them fucking everybody over existentially. But holy shit! Is this not starting to become a pattern? Hilter was wildly religious. So, they spread their bullshit around. It breaks of into derivatives. Both derivatives try to kill them. 50 years from now we're going to have to fucking protect them AGAIN! But THIS TIME from the Scientologists. Then in another 50 years we're going to have to protect the from the Neo Genians. I mean you can say that people are jealous because they're a 'successful minority' but no one is ever going to buy that because LOOK WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEY'RE NOT. Look what happens when THEY'RE NOT THE MINORITY. They just enlsave and batter anyone unwilling to subordinate themselves in an Orwellian surveillance state. I mean holy shit, I did not realize that when Neil deGrasse Tyson was talking about the gait detecting software that it was actually already being wielded against people in the West Bank! We can collectively allow THAT, and we can allow homeless, And we allow imposed schizophrenia, but we CAN'T ALLOW DEMONIZATION OF THE JEWS. We can even allow the demonization of the gays! God forbid we allow THAT in addition to all of the other atrocities we allow.
by Hym Iam November 9, 2023
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Like found in Black Butler the Character Pluto, he is a dog that when excited turns into a human

He can breathe fire
Sebastian found a CAT becouse he loves them and Pluto awoke and turner into a human and pusher away the Cat and slept in his lap and Sebastian was Disgusted.

The Servents of the Phantomhive family got told to Watch over Pluto and learned him a few tricks,Finnian has a superpower og strength and dragged Pluto but he hated it and Burned Finnian

Thats a demon hound
by Black Butler Fan..... March 11, 2018
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The evil that lives inside your empty stomach that attempts to tear its way out of you.
I’m sorry baby! But the hunger demons were after me and the only thing that was within reach was your cereal.
by cdamiano April 9, 2022
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