When your group comes up with the best unspeakable sex act if the week but it falls short when it is not defined by person the group relied upon. #nevergofulltim, #notmytim, #impeachtim,

The act of traveling highway speeds while getting a blow job by a 70+year old, dentures out.
Timmy's grandma gave me the ole crocheted steering wheel cover on the way over to the house.
by Jethro bo dean August 16, 2023
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Electric power Transmission cost which corresponds to the transportation cost of electric energy (megawatt-hours) from within an electrical grid to an electrical load outside the grid boundaries
The purpose of the wheeling charge is to collect rent from an energy private private Plant that performs wholesale transactions on the transmission system owned by the Participating Transmission Owners (PTO).
by Bouba1972 February 20, 2017
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Usually a good friend going along somewhere with you and your date. Not a third-wheel, a smay-wheel. Usually liked more than your date. Also hotter than your date.
Dude, don't you think shes gonna be a third wheel? Nah, she's a smay-wheel, we all good.
by Jaxon Ostrichtail March 7, 2010
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Excessive cussing, dark humor, and inappropriate humor.
A: I have Happy Wheels Humor.
B: Are you like.. making shit up? What the fuck?
A: Oh my god, you do, too!
by ballsack doodoofart June 7, 2023
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When your sister gets stuck in the dryer so you have to help like a good brother
"RUFUS! I better not catch you and your sister portia doin another alabama hamster wheel or so help me god"
by sheeeeeeesssshhhhhhjd April 9, 2023
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