The act of strumming her thick pubic hair like a Gibson guitar
Dude she took off her panties and that bush was so thick I had to give her a hairy Gibson
by Rlakric September 9, 2023
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A hairy mullet minge is a vagina that has incredibly long yet striaght pubes yet is shaved around the groin area,but just enough to see stubble.It can be found on any women as it is a style of pubic hair,but is mainly fashion not genetic but can be found on american hillbille women....obviously.
"eurgh man WTF! is tht!?"

"its my hairy mullet minge..its the style,u like?"
by Marc P September 21, 2008
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An undesired gift from an undesirable person, especially in the form of regifting.
Alisa looked with extreme displeasure at the clearly regifted item. "Oh GOD, can you believe this hairy watch she's trying to pass off on me?" as she dropped it in the trash.
by Alex FromDownstairs November 6, 2013
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A gal who looks like she should be a dainty palm but is way too independent for her own good. Usually a lesbian.
"That girl is so hot, man!"

"Don't even, dude, she is such a hairy callous."
by 'dork October 10, 2006
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A girl who`s Vagina is so loose she can fit almost anything in there.
"Lets go upstairs and have sex Ashley"
"Alright lets go"
"Just to warn you I have a Very loose vagina. Its like a Hairy Tunnel I can fit a lot of things in there."
by Smithers john February 1, 2009
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The act of applying a commercial grade adhesive to ones upper lip and then subsequently having that individual perform fellatio after not man-scaping for several months.
"OMG Becky you need to wax your mustache, it looks like Chad gave you a Hairy Martinez last night."
by Deputy Derp June 25, 2019
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When a girl is giving you head and you take her hair and tie it around your back so she can't pull off.
So this chick was giving me head but she kept stopping to breathe, so I put her in a hairy harness!!
by twatsnack March 18, 2016
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