best couple of history, if yall aint already dating you need to get together A.S.A.P

emma is a very loving person who acts tough but is easily hurt and tanner is the coolest dude ever and has a soft spot especially for emma.
Charlie:Emma and Tanner are the cutest couple ever
Evan: i know jaylyn and kyle are in a tanner and emma relationship
by ur_mom..743 June 12, 2021
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No one has a cock as small as emma and the opposite to and Emma's cock is called a Shoom cock which is a cock that is so long not even elon musk could launch a rocket that can travel the distance of the Ron Shoom cock and Emma wishes she had a cock because she is jelouas of a Ron shoom
I am sooo sad that I have an emma's cock like i can't suck it if i tried
by Phobia_2 November 17, 2021
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A gorgeous girl who is really shy. These Emma's don't know who they are yet and may never actually know, but that's fine. She's gporgeous and should be model. She's also really tall and hates split ends. Any memory made with this amazing girl will stay with her forever because she remebers every detail. She often makes friends with girls named Aly and likes bad boys. She has amazingly long hair that's a gorgeous naturally straight blonde. She super smart, but she isn't overly confident about it. Emma Richart has blue eyes that are freaking goregeous and they make everyone jealous. Emma likes to party and really likes candy.
"Emma Richart is such a flirt."
"Wow, Emma Richart is a whole head taller than me."
"I spent the whole class picking at my split ends.' 'Don't be such an Emma."
by Aly:P September 30, 2014
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The Emma-kea is a world known stereotypical person.
They like to eat normal human food.
They have a very good sense of humour.
They can be at many times shy.
But when you get them alone in the bedroom there sex beasts.
They will hump you like no rabbit has ever humped.
They put rabbits to shame.
For example

Oh yeah that girl is so much like The Emma-kea in bed, so wild and untamed.
by Penaga April 9, 2011
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A beautiful, sexy and intelligent young woman who’s fighting the down side of life like a champ. She’s very crazy and loves to spend time with other people. She has a one of a kind personality that lights up the day of many. For some reason many people are jealous of her and send her hate. But if you are You’ll be lucky to be friends with her
Omg look that’s Emma. Emma Kömmerling. She’s so nice
by Unicornbitch216 October 10, 2018
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A brave,beautiful,coolest, amazing girl who being the best friend and the soulmate of an extrordinary boy.
All i can say is then she deserve the world..
Someone: « you mean the world to me, you are my Emma Harris . »
by Damngirls September 20, 2020
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the nicest mean person you've ever met , will hold the door open for you but will call you out on your bullshit , will always let you go through the door first but will call you an uncultured swine
friend 1 : damn you're such an Emma Peters
Emma Peters : gee thanks ...
by lilbucket273 June 16, 2021
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