The beef sticks you get in a vending machine, normally comes in a two pack.
Ken stole the twin beeves from under the sombrero. So Matt had to go to the vending machine to restock the twin beeves.
by KEQ November 16, 2017
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Two female roomates that tend to get into any type of interesting comical or other wise hilariously entertaining mischief.

Best friends who get into whimsical shenanigans with each other.

Partners in crime.

Sisters, whether bio-logical or not

Two or more sets of shenani-twins
After a week of school Helen decided to redbox a movie and get chocolate wasted with her Shenani-twins.
by Milton Bratley December 1, 2010
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Any funny looking and extremely/very black African male or male in general is referred to as "Jean twin"
**Big black african with big lips walks down the street**
Kid 1: Look its Jean twin!...
Kid 2: ...Jean twin
by Urban Dictionary Official US November 27, 2021
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The act of cooking a barbecue using the heat of a car engine, usually a twin cam engine is used but the single cam barbecue is often just as effective
“F*cks sake the barbecue’s out of gas, how are we gonna cook dinner”

“Don’t worry mate I’ll just fire up the Twin Cam Barbecue
by YorakHunt69 February 3, 2023
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A drinking game played by two opposing players where there are two stacks of 10 cups on each side and a full cup of beer in the middle between the two stacks. The objective of the game is be the first person to bounce your ping pong ball into the center cup which is achieved by bouncing your ping pong ball in the stack of 10 empty cups, removing one cup every time you make the ball in, then after making the final cup in your stack you compete to bounce the ball into the center drink. The loser of the game then has to drink the whole cup.
by Keshagetsdrunk February 1, 2019
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2 people of the same ethnicity (usually hispanic) which asteroid both bald, and extremely stupid
Me: Did you see those 2 retarted twins?
Mason: Who? Darrion and Eric?
Me: Yeah they’re retarted as hell
by BaldGekyume September 14, 2020
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