A person who doesn't do a real sport ex:bmx
by Swaggerkoda March 17, 2016
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The other day I chewed 2 purple people eaters and then swallowed 2......... I was high for almost the entire day.
by FTAU March 1, 2016
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A very cool person, really gay and likes singing, raging adhd. Performer Cus they like to show off😢 will forever sell their soul for KURMPAT and craig😢 get yourself a metal eater.
by Metal Eater March 13, 2023
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someone who is being a weirdo and/or a person we’ve canceled
STEVIE, STOP BEING A booty eater”
by lyricthebootyeatercaller February 17, 2022
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Someone who does way too much psychedelics, acid in particular (eating entire sheets of blotter.) Usually delusional, egotistical, and retarded.
Guy 1: “You need to go on a spiritual journey to awaken your third chakra, man.”
Guy 2: “Dude, what the fuck are you talking about? You sound like a total sheet eater right now.”
by SHITIMDEADAGAIN June 18, 2022
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Someone who likes the taste of the tip of a males penis
¨You're are such a Teep Eater"
by burdenbageater69 April 16, 2018
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1. (noun) someone or something that eats oranges
2. (noun) a lazy prick
Did night shift even show up last night or are they just a bunch of fuckin' orange eaters?
by Aerestes May 20, 2022
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