honestly. this guys a fucking idiot. oh, and thanks for panic at the disco pete. way to go.
someone: omgah... dont you like pete wentz? musician, lyricist, bassist, oh and a hotttttiee!

me: stfu
by mckinney November 2, 2007
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n: a joke, a sorry excuse for a person, i-look-like-i-play-bass-but-i-don't
adj: conceited; ugly
by Jacqualina LaQuita April 3, 2006
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Person 1: Hey did you meet Pete Wentz after the show?

Person 2: No, but I met a monkey holding hands with Ashlee Simpson...wait a minute...
by shakenandfaint November 7, 2007
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Pete Wentz is a stupid,gay try-hard who should die imediatly.He IS emo as is his gay band,Fall Out Boy or,Fall Out of your arse Boy.(FOB)(gay)(pete)(pete wentz)(arse)
Lily:Hey do you like fall Out of your arse Boy?
Scarlett:No I hope they nall die expecially Pete Wentz who is gay
Lily:yeah,I know.
by Leonie87 January 22, 2008
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bassist and lyricist of the amazing band Fall Out Boy (not FALLOUT boy...not fall out BOYS)

although he is an ego headed asshole that is absorbed in his looks and fame oh AND his penis, he DOES write amazing lyrics and just happens to be a pretty good bassist.

and it cant hurt hes pretty good looking...although he sorta looks like a monkey. :
teenie fan: "LiK3 OmGz dId YoU s33 wh3N PeTe WeNtZ TooK hIs ShIrT oFf aT ThE FaLl OuT bOY cOnCeRT?!1? h3s SoOoOo HaWt!!"

me*prentending to be serious*-"yeahhhhh, he needs to go to the gym....."

*teenie fan completly dumbstruck*
by dsfdfsgsry January 2, 2008
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A-Bass Player in Morrisey obbsesed emo-ish MTV band.
B-Someone who likes to take pictures of his ding-ding and put them on the net.
A-"Geez,Fallout Boys new song sucks ass so much,it's worse then Panic!"
B-"Look at Tom.He put pictures of himself in the nude on his My Space page,what a Pete Wentz!"
by MissMurder May 31, 2006
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A bassist and writer in Fall Out Boy...but he's an ugly fuck so no wonder why he joined a band(which is just like every other scenester music....crap)
Girl 1# OMG is that Pete Wentz


Guy1# Omg it's Pete Wentz from that band fall out boy
Guy 2# My life is so depressing....
Guy1# We should chuck tomatoes at hi...er what?!
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