A hot carl is when you are doing someone in the butt and the person taking it shits on your penis. Then they use the shit as a lube and whack you off.
Colby wanted to give Wes a hot carl for his birthday.
by nnnnnn December 21, 2005
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1. an enema with cheap red wine, usually Carlo Rossi Merlot.

2. squirting a red wine enema into another's face for one or both person's sexual gratification.
1- John: Man I am pooped I really need a drink.
Dan: Drink, nah I think what you need is a Hot Carl/Karl.
John: Hot dag, get the turkey baster bartender Hot Carls for the house!
House: Yeaaah

2-K-fed effin loves to Hot Carl/Karl Brit
by Hot Carl Lover February 19, 2006
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Similar to the Hot Carl, in the sense that you take a dump on someones face but it is done out of vengeance rather than for pleasure. The Hot Carl Sagan is particularly reserved for people who are smug, self-righteous or know-it-alls.
My boss is such an asshole. She thinks she knows everything and treats us all like we're children. One of these days, I'm going to have to take a trip to Taco Bell, tie her down to her desk and deliver a steaming Hot Carl Sagan to her stupid, self-righteous face.
by kenny.noisewater October 22, 2009
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The act of shitting on your spouse's chest. The steamer must be fresh and wet.
"Yo hunny, you smell like shit."
"Yeah I know, you just hot carl maloned on my chest lol."

by Tommy Em November 5, 2007
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to shove an object (finger thumb tootsie roll) etc... up someones ass while they are wearing athletic shorts
thus the poop on the inside of their pants will be hot and nasty
The dude was being a moron so Tom gave his a hot carl with a Sharpie Marker
by oaklawnie September 11, 2007
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when a male of polish decent is getting a tug job from a girl while he squirts mad doo doo butter in her mouth.
Falk loves when he can receive a polish hot carl.
by zgrrr November 7, 2006
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