when you tell your guy best friend to go for your girl best friend and now they are a thing and you ended up catching feelings but can’t say anything about it cause it was your idea and she’s your best friend
by the pregnant one October 22, 2019
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The government is gonna kill us! Pass da joint.”

“Your a stupid fucking hippy
by Objecttown March 28, 2023
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someone who obviously knows that what they’re saying is stupid but says it anyway
Person 1: “Do you think trees sleep when it gets dark out?”
Person 2: “No, you stupid fuck”
by nadinvoy August 7, 2021
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the word you say when solely using the word stupid is not enough to describe the idiot you have met.
Mike: Hey you heard that Ben burnt his house down trying to put out a oil fire with water?

Joey: Really? Damn, what a "stupid fuck"
by Stupid Fuck Himself December 12, 2022
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Someone who says or does all the wrong things? Someone who does not user head or common sense...
by Nevaeh Hope February 7, 2020
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