this is what happens wen a friend of mine gets excited around girls but it varies depending on who is around him. it can vary from a little bubble in the the corner of his mouth to a big ass mother fucker of a bubble all down one the side of his face wen he does this we call him bubble
when he is around girls he does his bubble stunt and it is fukin well funny coz he can't help himself he starts to dribble all over everyone if you gt too close to him you get fukin soaked
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Stunt Picking is a form of cheating in a football pool. IF you belong to the type of football pool where you can pick different players each week and there IS a clause where you can also pick whether the teams those players belong to will win or lose for an extra 5 points per player picked and you pick a 3rd string or injured player who you know will not play but will definitely earn you 5 points exactly and help you in a "CLOSEST TO THE PIN" clause which earns you money for picking your exact total for the week, then you are "STUNT PICKING".
"Did you hear Andrew Cunanan won the closest to the pin this week by successfully Stunt Picking? What a jackass. On top of that, did you see him start ranting and raving about Gianni Versace when we threw him out of the pool for Stunt Picking? What the hell does Gianni Versace have to do with his Stunt Picking? That guy really makes me nervous."
by Kojak Maloney January 23, 2012
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Stunt Linens are accoutrements to the boudoir of any sexually active male/female couple. For couples with a female that has not reached menopause, Stunt Linens consist of Stunt Sheets and Stunt Towels. For couples with a post-menopausal female, Stunt Linens consist of Stunt Towels.

The term “Stunt” comes from To Stunt meaning to engage in hot, sweaty, animalistic and frequent sexual activity.

Stunt Sheets are sheets deployed during sex play undertaken while a woman is menstruating and is commonly known as Red Sex. Stunt Sheets are placed on the bed prior to engaging in Red Sex and serve to absorb the mixture of liquids exchanged and discharged during coitus. These fluids include semen, blood and vaginal juices. Stunt Sheets should not be confused with Period Sheets. Stunt Sheets are apply to any Red Carpet Treatment and keep the bed tidy for the post coitemAfter Fuck.

The Stunt Towel is used during rounds of sex play when there is no Red Sex and Stunt Sheets are not required. The Stunt Towel protects the bedding from normal sexual fluid exchange. The Stunt Towel is laid out on the bed and coitus takes place on top of the towel keeping the bed dry of sexual juices and tidy for the post coitemAfter Fuck. The Stunt Towel offers the convenience of conversion to a Gak Towel, Doddle Rag or Grandma’s Tea Towel and can be utilized to provide a customary Butler’s Wipe.
Stunt Linens - Stunt Sheets - Sandy was experiencing a very heavy flow during her period. However, she was not about to let this top her desire To Stunt. Therefore, prior to her husband Carl getting home from work, she put on the Stunt Sheets. Carl later gave her the Red Carpet Treatment.

Stunt Linens - Stunt Towel - Sandy was exhausted from a long day of work, but was still ready for Carl to give her the Meat Drill when he got home. To ensure that she could go right to sleep after their post coitem enjoyment of the After Fuck, she laid out a Stunt Towel to keep the bed nice and dry.
by Eaton Holgoode April 16, 2014
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Similar to that of a stunt double, a stunt butt is someone who replaces a male porn star when the pounding becomes too intense or a fuck stunt may be too dangerous for the star butt. A stunt butt can be identified by a gaping anal orifice and bruised buttocks. They are willing to take exorbitant amounts of cock to their anus for the greater good of a porno. Stunt butts must continuously adapt to and perform new fuck tricks brought into the porno community.

Stunt butt credo: "Fuck it"
Director: "CUT! O.K. Peter why don't you take five and we'll get the stunt butt in here for the flying sausage dive."
by scrimmy01 June 4, 2009
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A money grabbing scheme organised by a typically low-life company or individual.
IMVU stealing names to put on the premium list is a cheap stunt.
by Zara Kaine January 10, 2016
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some bad ass motherfuckers that everyone would love to be like
Ronnie: Hey who are them dudes coming our way?!

Random Bystander: That is Stunt Hard don't fuck with them heard they crazyyyy!
by stunthard September 21, 2011
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