The most amazing word discovered while playing clue. has no meaning can be used for just random shit
person one:Dude plumb berry pie!!!!
person two: What the fuck?!?
person one: Exactly!
by Bitches cant hate April 30, 2012
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A thumb plumb is when there is a lump of shit left on the thumb after thumbing an arse.
Holy shit, you should have seen the size of the thumb plumb she left.
by Biggaybear April 2, 2013
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When someone makes a monumental stupid choice and it effects the outcome of the whole situation.
Paint the wall Red Gareth

“ The wall is Green Gareth, why have you done that you Plumb Cunt”

“Oooops, I thought you said Green”
by Merv the swerve February 7, 2021
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To take a massive dump at a friends house, testing how well their porcelain can handle it.
"Mind if I test the plumbing in your house? I haven't shit in a week"
by RunescapeMLG123 November 1, 2014
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Laquisha sayz we need some jungle plumbs for the family reunion.
by AltZiege June 29, 2022
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An american english derrived turn of phrase , spoken with a britsh accent to state the fact that your friend, or your friends' friend is oxymoronically "fucking dumb"
I must say joe that rose of yours isn't the brightest in the box. She acts like shes Plucking Plumbs
by jessejames'boi September 17, 2010
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