someone who came "Pish" az hame, vaghti kasio peyda mikoni ke khande ash o gerye ash az mal khodet mohem tar mishe kasi ke be khateresh mifahmi kheyli as aghayedet eshtebahan o azashun migzary ... vaghti yekio oonghadr ausheghesh mishi ke mibini kalame ei vase tosifesh nist pas baray hamin kalameye "pish pish" ro dorost mikoni

nemidoonam cheghadr tool mikeshe ino peyda koni vali omidvaram ba'ad in nabashe ke bem migi dige doostam nadari
i give you half of my moon ... pas to "pish pish" mani
by SH.DT January 4, 2022
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someone who came "Pish" az hame, vaghti kasio peyda mikoni ke khande ash o gerye ash az mal khodet mohem tar mishe kasi ke be khateresh mifahmi kheyli as aghayedet eshtebahan o azashun migzary ... vaghti yekio oonghadr ausheghesh mishi ke mibini kalame ei vase tosifesh nist pas baray hamin kalameye "pish pish" ro dorost mikoni
mibarish posht boom o behesh migi beyn in hame adam mn toro entekhab kardm ke nime ye khodamo bdm bht ... to pish pish mani
by SH.DT January 4, 2022
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What you say when you're really mad. It is similar to "Eh, it's alright." But an angrier version.
Person 1: I'm gonna tell on you!
Person 2: Eh...Pish Pish.
by SarinaBK February 21, 2016
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1. pish stain - urine stain

2. pish stained - adjective describing something with a pish stain on it (usually clothing)
1. Check that cunt wae his fucking pish stained trackies what an actual tramp.

2. dinny sit doon there there's a fucking pish stain oan it!
by pureactualbawbag June 26, 2018
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It's a term used by the goddess amongst submissive females to call a le petite fish. She's so smart that she shortened to le pish and it sounds so amazing and hot
Hey, what that over there?
Oh, it's a le pish, Suki
by Taliasimp69 December 11, 2021
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'bet yae a tenner ah can walk unner this table''aye right''there we go, pish easy'
by Scottisharchangel March 6, 2017
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Person A: I love pishing

Person B: dude i have not seen you for 12 years. You just came out of your house for the first time and you say this shit. Like what the fuck, we have been worried about you and the first time i see you, you say "I love pishing"?! This is why no one likes not

Person A: So not reddit big chungus halal mode
by pishing February 1, 2022
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