The once famous lyrics to the song by the Rivingtons is now the perfect way to say you are going numero dos!
Man, I just ate some tacos and I really gotta papa ooh mow mow!
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When a man is having sex with his partner, either male or female, and pisses blood on either their back or stomach. The man then licks the blood off of said back or stomach and gleefully says "Ooh-de-la-lay"
(During Sex)
Man: Oh god, I need to piss and I think I am pissing blood!
Woman: well piss on my stomach.
(After he is done)
Man: Ooh-de-la-lay!
by Al2theTron October 27, 2007
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The magic words that the Witch Doctor will give you to cause someone to fall in love with you.
I told the Witch Doctor I was in love with you. I told the Witch Doctor I was in love with you. And then the Witch Doctor, he told me what to do he told me: Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Ah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang.
by Bugalo Shrimp October 24, 2008
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1. Premature ejaculation in France (jocular).

2. A score of 69 in darts, basketball, pool, etc, when someone celebrates before winning the game.

3. The 6-9 combination in pool, particularly 9-ball
1. The Frenchman has a rep for ooh la la so soon!

2. The score is 69-63. Ooh la la, so soon!

3. There is only one way to win this rack. The 6-9 combo. Ooh, la la so soon!
by Stop the pendulum January 9, 2006
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The definition for lambo doors in the ooh woth doth is basically your brain having sex at junes
I had some fucking great lambo doors in the ooh woth doth last night with Sheila, I hope she changes her mind about taking the kids
by Alchemancer December 6, 2021
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Something this high ass witch doctor told me to say to the girl I like. Definitely should NOT be said under any circumstances
Me: Hey, witch doctor, what should I say to the girl I like?

Witch Doctor: Ooh ooh eee ah ah, ding dang wannawanna bing bang!
by I DID A THING, BRO!! December 1, 2015
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