Similar to and sounds like lol Means "laugh a whole lot"
Idiot: I Like Pie!!!!

Other idiot: Lawl!!!!!
by the end16 August 1, 2010
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A word that complete dumbasses use because they think thats how they should say "lol" when normal people just spell it out. L-O-L.
Me: what the fuck is "LAWL"?
Friend: It's how you pronouce "Lol" Duuuh
Me: Lol isn't even a fucking word, you dumbass. It's an abbrivation for "Laugh Out Loud"
by omgpeoplearesofuckingdumb April 6, 2011
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The pronunciation of lol(laugh out loud) and also referred to as "laughing at with leisure".

Commonly used when someone is sarcastically joking with a good friend for amusement.
Ryan: Drop those panties. LAWL

Christina: Marry me! xD

Monica: -_-

Josh: *Grins*
by mr.skills July 12, 2010
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If you said LOL out loud, it would sound like Lawl, which makes it better than LOL
Brain told me a funny joke so I said LAWL! lol funny roflcopter lolerskates joke laugh out loud sex gay bae
by Irish_me July 25, 2014
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giving an online opponent the fun of actually saying lol at them with the correct pronunciation of lol. Giving them even more reason to call you a faggit nub biotch. nubzor..lawl
by enZ December 28, 2005
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A super weird, nerdy, geeky, strange, etc kind of word that INTERNET GEEK NERDS use only. Coming from texting language lol (laugh out laud) Geeks say the word "lawl" instead of laughing to indicate funnyness. So annoying, because usually they have a dull voice.
Person 1:"Knock Knock"
Person 2: "Who's there?"
Person 1: Oh, Your Mother was supposed to answer, she told me we could meet up tonight!"
Person 1 and 2: BE QUIET, YOUR SO ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by YoWassupppppppppppppp December 6, 2011
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1. Abreviation of LA Weight Loss
2. another way of typing 'lol'
Have you been to a LAWL centre?
by J-Hoax March 23, 2009
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