Guy #1: Hey, nice move with Becky. You dodged a bullet.
Guy #2: I know, right?
Guy #1: Yeah, give me some knuck.
by bobbysmash December 20, 2009
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When two people are sat face to face while masturbating
“Oh yeah we used to Rub Knucks back in the day
No fair! You guys were actually Rubbin’ Knucks last night?”
by Doobert_ April 10, 2022
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Fist bumping twice in immediate succession. There should be no more than an inch between the fists at first separation, nor should it last longer than a heartbeat.
Person 1: "Yo fist bump!"

Person 2: "Nah, bro. Dub knucks!"
by Meetwood Flac July 13, 2012
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Scientists believe that the human with this name derives from a smog like foundation of burning nappies and dead antelope due to their frequent, foul, nostril drenching episodes of passing gas. These same episodes have been captured causing the most bizarre episodes such as instantly making all bread within a 10m radius go stale, the result of the 1990's mass asphyxiation of a small school of orphan bunny rabbits and even effecting climate change. Feared all over the world by many cultures, this human has been the subject of many ongoing studies and is currently being head hunted by Military organisations all over the globe for their potential contribution to biochemical warfare capabilities.
Oh no! It's Nic Knuck!

Everyone roll your windows up, Nic Knuck is close by, I can smell it.
by DanCanDoIt June 19, 2015
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The build up of several semen injections.
LexSmith wound up with a severe Gooey Knuck (le) after having all of Valley View Rd. drop one off in her.
by BlackFromTheWaistDownBeck/Hill December 25, 2019
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The ceremonial joining of two bros via a fist bump, thus rendering the two parties involved friend zoned. Once you’ve knuck fucked, you can never actually fuck (sex).
Hey, do you wanna fuck?
No bro, we can’t, we knuck fucked last night.
by itsokimaginger November 5, 2022
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Noun. The act of rubbing the knuckles of one or both hands on ones bootyhole and then proceeding to punch another individual with said hand(s).
"Bro, Jimmy fucked my wife so I had to hit him with that brown knuck. Gave that bastard a black eye and pink eye at the same time."

"Your father would be proud, John."

"Thanks Mom."
by The Hon. Dr. Rev. Smokaspliff December 13, 2021
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