"I am going to watch the fuck outta that t.v."
"i'm going to eat the fuck outta that sandwich"
by Jason Dean April 6, 2007
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1. to do anything at all with
2. to do something with another person which might be considered, if not by you yourself, then by another person such as a girl/boyfriend, of an intimate nature
3. to mess around or joke around with
1. "yo, you fucking with your other boys tonight, or do you wanna shoot some hoops with me and jim?"
2. "yo, baby, trust me, im not fucking with any other girls, i promise you, when you saw me with marie, we were just walking cus i ran into her at a record store, thats all"
3. "you gotta be fucking with me, right, there is no way you went to england for 200 dollars roundtrip"
by joe hong June 1, 2005
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...................../..../ /
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Translation: Fuck you.
by EJL February 17, 2004
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Hell NO, Heck NO, NO Way !!!
Opposite: Hell Yeah, Shit Yeah, Heck Yeah
Fuck NO !!! I ain't doing that shit anymore....
by DJCrunkMix May 31, 2005
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A phrase used to express the intensity of something.
Dude!! My piss is clear as fuck.

That chick is hot as fuck!af
by ENEM D August 16, 2015
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A conflation of "fuck you" and "sucked in".

Hence, a more offensive way of saying "sucked in".
Example 1:

Keith: "Oh dude.... that shit was so scary I shat myself..."

*Heinrich Keith's arch nemesis overhears his toil*

Heinrich: "Fucked in you no business foreign in secure muthafucka!

Example 2:

*Rakeem witnesses George slip face first into a huge pile of dogshit*

Rakeem: "Fucked in you sack of shit!"
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1. The universally recognized "F word"
2. N. Implying complete and utter confusion
3. N. a really stupid person
4. V. To procreate
5. adj. Can be used to modify any word for more passion
6. Int. Expresses disgust
7. Int. Expresses complete suprise and joy
8. adv. Can be used to make a command more urgent
1. I do not accept the "F word" as your name
2. What in the fuck?
3. You stupid fuck!
4. I sugest we go fuck in your mothers bed while eating crackers and petting a cat name mittens!
5. This fucking guy was so fucking weird. He asked me if I was fucking insane.
6. Aw, FUCK!!
7. Holy fuck! You guys rock!
8. Just fucking jump before I fucking kick you in the balls!
by Cheese-man April 6, 2003
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