A frase made famous by Al Pacino Used to let some bitch made person know that your tired of hearing them cry and wine about there lives, And that you don't give a shit about there F-ckin' problems.
"Huh what was that? Your grandma got hit by a bus.... Na-Na, Nanny Freakin' Boo Boo"
"Who cares that your girlfriend gave you herpies... Na-Na, Nanny Freakin' Boo Boo"
by se7en0se7en August 2, 2008
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Moriah Elizabeth said this random word when she bought something " freakin' adorable" and was going to make it more " freakin' adorable". So what she said she was to make it MORE-ER-FREAKIN'-ER-ADORABLE-LER! So she made a whole sentence with every word ending with "er" (except for the ending of "adorable.").
"So I am going to make this freakin' adorable thing, MORE-ER-FREAKIN'-ER-ADORABLE-LER!"
by CuddlyBear163 September 8, 2021
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A phrase used to describe an extra impeccable dusk.

Originated by Louise Osborne
by beweezy April 28, 2021
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A freakin guy that does freakin guy stuff
Look at this freakin guy being a freakin guy.
by Haterbreed September 18, 2020
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A guy that does freakin guy stuff
Look at this freakin guy being a freakin guy
by Haterbreed September 18, 2020
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Verb: Kinda freakin weird but mostly fun. She as a best friend named Nicele Maggard. She Likes Boys...the black ones mostly.
by as;ldlfja;lsdkjf. June 10, 2010
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You're Harry Freakin Potter, we don't prefer Gandalf, Merlin or Oz! You're a whole hotter, with that lightning scar you're a superstar to us all, if we're in trouble we know who to call
by TheSolveItSquadAHHHHHHHHHH January 30, 2023
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