Similar to a reference to a guy as a tool, but thinks he can get laid. Usually rejected or played by women. Too concerned about what women think to enter reality.
That guys a fucking dildo.
by leonardishere January 1, 2011
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a rubber device shaped like an erect penis. It may be used in place of a missing game piece.
"Yes, that is indeed a dildoI use as a substitute for the missing chessman,"said Robert.
by JMC70 August 25, 2017
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(noun) a penis-shaped object sold in sex stores and home catalogs used to probe and stimulate the vagina or anus.

(adjective) describes someone who lacks common sense or cannot seem to use logic to make sense of things. That is, their logic and mentality is "floppy" just like a dildo. (the term applies to both men and women).
GIRL 1:"Girl, my boyfriend's dick isn't as big as I thought. "
GIRL 2: "You should buy yourself a dildo. It's probably bigger than his dick."

DETECTIVE: "If the man drove her home, and he was the only one at her house at that time, and he myesteriously disappeared, he must have murdered her! Am I right?"
ROOKIE: "I don't get it..."
DETECTIVE: "Dude, you're such a dildo!"
by isa_approved January 11, 2010
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Anything, if you’re brave enough.
Can I use this as a dildo?”
by bluebanana1212 November 15, 2017
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To dildo, to penetrate ones self with a dildo.
So instead of saying im masturbating you can now say i am dildoing
yo what you doing fam
hey man im just dildoing
by theduchess22 October 25, 2019
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A rubber penis, (pen-ile) of the Male genetalia, formed to pleasure the opposite sex (women) or if your a gay fag (male). I assume that you would shove it up your asshole but in cases...if your gay you might as well shove it up the vagina that you currently have.
The gay homosexual faggot, shoved a dildo up his ass

The virgin woman "marry" stuck a dildo into her so called, sagging vagina.

Oh and a dildo has balls, unlike J.B. (justin bieber)
by TheOneWhoFucksAll June 27, 2010
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a toy used by woman to ples themselves
"i used a dildo lst night"
by o ya come on June 18, 2009
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