the act of driving in your car with really loud music and screaming "DIKE" !!!! when you see two girls walking together and holding hands.
Me and Gage were driving my suped up ford escourt listening to Lamb of God, when all the sudden Gage screamed "I'M DIKE HUNTING" out the window.
by Jaun_Ton_Masta March 2, 2011
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a male dike for his pleasure.
mike says.."thats why im a man dike.."
by chole west March 23, 2003
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When the state said that king lake was in a flood plain and couldn't build any more, the residents raised and spent several million dollars building a dike. What makes it interesting is that the residents wouldn't take government money because strings were attached.
The king lake dike was over built, and seems out of place arround the lake.
by benth April 18, 2008
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1. A lesbian who has not got her pussy touched in years. Basically, she has cobwebs and/or bats roaming in her old, flappy, dust-ridden, vagina.

2. An obese, cow-like bitchwhore who's only sources of pleasure are eating three buckets of KFC and sticking Hershey bars (with Almonds, dark chocolate will do) up her dirty sanchez asshole.
Steve: Suzy is such a dike master flex, no one would ever touch her dry-to-the-bone pussy willow.
by slanty eyed sam July 24, 2008
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Those Jr. High kids who act like they're abused and have it out for society. They often experiment with homosexuality to show their "liberal, open minded views" when in actuality, are trying to get attention, just like any other fake lesbian dumbass.
What happened to Jenna?

She couldn't make any friends, so she went poser goth dike.
by Christiano McBeth September 8, 2006
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When you wash and massage ALL the hair.
I went to Stacy's last night and she gave me a dike hair salon.
by talkshowcheat May 27, 2017
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A woman who claims to be a lesbian but still likes dick on the down-low. Not to be confused with bi-sexual
"Yo, that chick Lauren has a girlfriend but she call me all the time to dick her down when she drunk.
She a double dip dike
by Zozmoz March 3, 2016
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