the overused name people use in Among Us whenever they're voted out just for the game to say these two messages when they are voted out
Not an Impostor:
told you i was not an impostor
told you i was an impostor
guy 1: i set name as told you i
guy 1 gets voted out*
game: told you i was not an impostor
guy 2: b r u h
by PalkiaTurned8-bit January 21, 2021
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A way of saying "You know I'm right" when someone gets angry at you for speaking the truth. According to scripture, the Pharisees were a group of Jewish elders in Judea (the name of Israel under Roman occupation) who took every chance they could get to catch Jesus and his disciples lacking.
Virgin Woke Urbanist: Amtrak is bad! travel cross-country by air! Or on a Greyhound bus!

Chad Nerd: Actually, there's nothing wrong with Amtrak, and aside from Greyhound, they were picking up the slack during the recent airline meltdowns.


CN: The Pharisees hated Jesus because he told them the truth.
by Stupidly Sophisticated January 15, 2023
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Clearly a misunderstanding of the phrase, "(you) just got owned."

The word "told" simply conveys an idea of verbal transference of information. The connotations are completely neutral, and any negative value incorrectly associated with "told" should more accurately be attributed to the content of the actual information being told ("Don't shoot the messenger," indeed). On the other hand, ownership (especially in a historical human context) is generally never a good thing.
"I just got told that my mom gave birth to a happy, healthy boy; my new brother!"

"Oh shit, I heard you just got told by that girl you asked out that she was a sophomore in high school and maybe you should look for someone your own age; a senior.......senior citizen!! You just got owned, son!!"
by mynöduesp January 11, 2020
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TOLD literally stands for 'Tired Of Life's Disappointments' and can be used in many different settings. It's fabulous for when you have that world weary feeling, you're not getting where you wanted to or what you wanted out of life. You try really really hard but still- no cigar. Just another set back or kick in the face from good old life!

tired of life's disappointments
"omg I'm soooo TOLD"

"I didn't get that job I applied for - I'm feeling really TOLD"
by GATAMA July 25, 2017
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Short for twice-told; stale.
The joke you told just now is twi-told; I have already heard it.
by uttam maharjan January 29, 2012
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