Shreya is simply perfect and beautiful from inside. She is specially made for men who is specimen, because there are the one who can take good care of her.
You're are as beautiful as SHREYA.
I LOVE YOU ,you are like shreya
by Soyrick00 November 24, 2021
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like how to describe or define her she's perfect in all the ways, she's amazing and loves everything, also a movie person, i would love to watch a movie with them haha its so much funnnnnn
also she looks like Zendaya! like how could you not love a person who looks like Zendaya
shes such a shreya!
by ShreyasPandaHAAHAHA June 4, 2021
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A big dickhead. Cringy , dumbfuck asshole. Bores the shit out of other people. An intrusive person who proclaims he has a way with chicks but can't even spell Denny's.

Apparently he pronounces Lingerie as 'linger-ri'
Ram : He is such an intrusive person.I bet he is such a dickhead.

Shyam : He is basically a Shreyas.
by donkeyKong32 March 25, 2018
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Shreya is an old fashioned bad bitch who despises millennials who dampen her sunshine. She has a booty divine and is hella fine.
Manju: Bro, I just fucked this girl in the washroom and I think she's out on a date with her ex-boyfriend.
Romi: Hey, that's so cool :) Let's go say hi and make the whole place awkward as fuck.
Manju: Bro. No, bro. Please don't do that. I don't think she'd like it. And I know her ex would not like that either.
Romi: But bro.... I'm going all Shreya on it.
Manju: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
by xXx_shreya_divine_booty_69_xXx October 28, 2018
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An abnormal tall and tan guy who desires the attraction of many girls. Never gets satisfied of what he gets . Funny guy who people likes. Also considered abnormal physically .
Omg he is soo funny
He must be shreyas
by Nowayurgonnafind August 13, 2018
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Somebody who only sings
wtf is that noise?

Probably shreyas

by Ihaveacrush November 3, 2021
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