When you have to separate you junk from someone else’s junk. You don’t normally say their shit or your krap but you say your shit and their krap.
by Pinners July 14, 2019
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A sex act where you peg somebody, then unstrap yourself (leaving the dildo in their anus) and change position to service them from the front.
"Squeeze your docking clamps tight, baby. I'm about to separate the saucer section!"
by FoxyMoron666 December 21, 2017
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The anxious feeling you get when you should be working and online but are in fact not actively working, namely that someone might be trying to reach you via Slack and you will be unable to respond to them or provide what they need in that moment. Which, of course, will immediately get you fired.

Common symptoms: Ghost phone vibration, thinking you heard a slack ping, etc
I have Slack Separation Anxiety so I don't stray too far from my laptop during the day.
by Corporate Millennial June 15, 2023
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Anxiety felt after being away from a loved one during lockdown due to Coronavirus
Awww now I’ve got separation anxiety

Lockdown has given me some serious separation anxiety
by schmeggy September 14, 2020
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Coined by YouTuber and content creator JaySoullz this is the theory that after you stop talking to a girl or guy, whether it be due to an argument or disagreement, you don’t leave on a really bad note. U keep it cordial, don’t yell back or argue, and you can later spin the block when you’re doing even better in life and the options she had are starting to weign. She will have forgotten the feelings that made her willing to stop talking to you in the first place, and by then you will have multiple other girls to immediately take her spot if she acts up again.
“Yelling and arguing with a female completely goes against CST(cordial separation theory)”
“If you’re following CST, you know you have to keep it calm at all times”
by Jayrod69 June 17, 2023
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Smart casual attire made up of a jacket or blazer combined with proper pants. Not to be confused with a suit which is typically made from the same fabric and style.
Mo: The dress code for the pre-wedding party is ‘Dress to Party’. What does that mean?

Mac: Suit or separates, I’m gonna be in a suit

Mo: Sick one
by DoesSheEvenGoHere December 8, 2022
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When you are eating Skittles and you eat the colors separate.
I think this goes without saying...

But ok. When you eating Skittles with your friend and the eat a green and a wild berry purple together while you eat the colors separate and your like NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (Eating the colors separate means well eating the colors separate.)
by Gc830 May 22, 2019
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