
Existentially opposite of "It"

Used as subject or direct object or indirect object of a verb or object of a preposition usually in reference to a quantifiable and tangible, lifeless/genderless thing within 3D Reality that does not actually exist.
Oot is Time.
"Wow, We are really feeling oot today..."
The thoughts We have in The Head are oot.
Concepts are oot.
by Oshen Fjre March 2, 2023
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When u are in an encounter and an individual appears weird or says something unnecessary or uncalled for. Used to verbally harass. Often used in Kellenberg memorial highschool

Defined by: Fran Rac
They/them or raccoon girl walks past you.

“Oot ya straïght”

Fran says hi to you in the hallway.

“Uhkeh fran ya quite görgeous yaself”
Brooke Lundgren.

“Oot oot Michael”
Obuse specimen walks by- “Weh ya skïnny”
by franracsonracs October 2, 2021
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Person 1: Oot!
P1: oot!
P1: OOT!
P1: Fucking auto correct
Person 2: ily2
by Chicks In Soup September 30, 2018
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Like “Oof” , with a “T”. Its way more fun to say than just regular oof.
Dude #1: dude she needs to chill, she almost crashed my car.

Dude #2: OOT, dude
by vivicat001 July 8, 2018
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Can be used in a variety of ways, to add an exclamation to something. Can be said in a high pitched voice to express shock, excitement, being shook, agreement, and disagreement. Word coined by Brenton, a gay party boy.
(Person 1): Gurl why you wearing your makeup from last night!?
(Person 2): Gurl I got lucky last night!
(Person 1): Oot!
by I’m out of ideas for a name January 15, 2018
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oot is nyc slang for shoot, see ooter
i got the knocker wit me, imma oot through the sweater
by harmaxo October 2, 2022
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shooting, or kill. Particularly during a drive by.
“im finna spin in a renty and oot this lil nigga.”
by wockipedia August 3, 2022
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