Ur an average son of a bitch and one of the worst people ever honestly.
Tony "Ur a Normie Jan."
Jan "What's a Normie?"
Tony "Only a Normie would ask that."
by FISHEGGS4DAY$ October 27, 2018
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A person that is late on a meme or doesn’t know what a meme is

Basically a normal person
Person: Do you know de wae

ME: Bruh you’re four years late on that

by That One Annoying Kid March 7, 2018
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Outsiders to the meme community. AKA: not a "memer". They are also the target for slander because some random guy made random videos about explaining random jokes and it got random people's random panties in a random twist and then another random guy makes a random parody of the first random guy which causes a random chain reaction that causes a third random guy to throw a random hissyfit and the first random guy got randomly doxxed and then him and his random girlfriend had to get a random new home.
Ew, he's on 4chan and he referenced a dead meme! NORMIE! *T R I G G E R E D !*
by MrMrMemeyGuy September 7, 2017
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People who are named Reina and have no knowledge of any meme sort, and shares/send dead memes to friends and finds them funny.
Reina you're such a Normie
by MannyJays May 30, 2018
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Someone who uses a meme so much that they kill it. Then, proceed to use the meme up to a month after it is already unfunny and overused.
Wow, that guy is a real normie.
by Despacito 8 May 28, 2018
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